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세계한국학대회 논문 목록: 번호, 대회(Time), 분과(Session), 제목(Title), 발표자(Speaker)로 구성
번호 대회
1315 11th Panel 19
The Inter-industrial Relationship between the Webtoon Industry and the K-Drama Industry
노현정 Hyun Jung Stephany Noh
1314 11th Panel 19
Deconstructing Soft Power: Audience Readings of Hallyu
제나깁슨 Jenna Gibson, 페리치아 이스타드 Felicia Istad
1313 11th Panel 19
Inspiring Global Popular Culture: A Rhetorical Analysis of BTS’s Invitational Rhetoric and ARMY’s Transcultural Fandom Practices
칸다스 로버트슨 Candace Epps-Robertson
1312 11th Panel 19
Sharing Korea(n) online: Hallyu fans and online tutoring platforms
나다니엘 밍 쿠란 Nathaniel Ming Curran
1311 11th Panel 18
Landing of Korean Webtoon in Germany
안연선 Yonson Ahn
1310 11th Panel 18
K-Pop, Fandom, and Sense of Belonging among New Zealand Youth and Community Building in Auckland, Aotearoa-New Zealand
구선희 Sunhee Koo
1309 11th Panel 18
Hallyu (Korean Wave) and Korean Restaurant Businesses in Germany
김지혜 Jihye Kim
1308 11th Panel 17
Religious sounds in K-Drama: How the Wooden Fish makes violence in Vincenzo (2021) bearable
바바라 왈 Barbara Wall
1307 11th Panel 17
Promotion with Pansori: Rapid Rhythms and Looped Lyrics in Leenalchi’s Online Ads
이안 코이츤베악 Jan Creutzenberg
1306 11th Panel 17
Rethinking Music in the Metaverse: The Sound of the Mise en Abyme in Aespa’s Songs
계희승 Hee Seng Kye