“In a world where peoples are constantly intermingling, ‘differences’ are recognized as expressions of diversity rather than grounds for discrimination.”
The Academy of Korean Studies and the Center for International Affairs are greatly appreciative of the interest and affection we receive both at home and abroad.
The Center for International Affairs (CEFIA) was founded in March 2003 to professionally carry out the tasks related to international academic exchanges for the Academy of Korean Studies which serves as the headquarters for Korean Studies research and education. As the international community’s window to the Republic of Korea, we serve as Korea’s eyes to a broader world and provide multilateral academic and cultural exchanges to those outside of Korea so that they may more fully understand Korean culture.
CEFIA seeks to enhance the quality and expand the influence of Korean Studies in international society through its International Support for Korean Studies project which includes support for scholarly research and academic conferences through various programs including Korean Studies grants, fellowship programs, the AKS Summer Program for International Students, and international academic exchanges. We also host two major academic conferences, the World Congress of Korean Studies and the International Conference on Korean.
Studies, which not only invigorates communication among Korean Studies scholars throughout the world but also bring together researchers from adjacent fields as well. Through the Societas Koreana, public opinion leaders around the world are introduced to Korean culture to improve the image of Korea abroad.
Additionally, CEFIA is finding content in international textbooks that incorrectly describes Korea through foreign textbook analysis, annual textbook seminars, education program for textbook specialist, Regional program for textbook specialists, and overseas meetings related to textbooks. Such efforts raise awareness about the Republic of Korea and provide proper information about Korean culture and history in a positive manner. Relatedly, we are also developing and disseminating various kinds of materials to introduce Korea abroad. CEFIA will continue to strive to reach our goals of providing support for international Korean Studies and providing an understanding of Korea.
We will do our best to ensure Korean culture takes its proper place in the world. We thank you for your interest and active participation.