In addition to the question of “what will we tell them about ourselves?” we also grapple with the problem of “how can we provide accurate information?” to improve the perceptions of Korea held in other countries and improve the international position of Korea.
The Center for International Affairs (CEFIA) of the Academy of Korean Studies, under the Ministry of Education, was founded in March 2003 to carry out the role of supplying knowledge on Korean history and culture to the world. To this end, CEFIA has two core projects.
The first is the International Support for Korean Studies project which provides international support for Korean Studies through Korean Studies grants, fellowship programs, the AKS Summer Program for International Students, the World Congress of Korean Studies, the International Conference on Korean Studies, Societas Koreana, and international academic exchanges.
The second is the Understanding Korea project which aims to improve Korea-related information in textbooks around the world and ensure that descriptions of Korea are more thorough multilateral initiatives including analysis of international textbooks, annual textbook seminars, education program for textbook specialist, textbook development activities, regional program for textbook specialists, development of materials for understanding Korea, and support for organizations abroad.
In addition to the question of “what will we tell them about ourselves?” we also grapple with the problem of “how can we provide accurate information?” to improve the perceptions of Korea held in other countries and improve the international position of Korea.