Title 2024 Textbook Seminar for Educators of El Salvador
Date 2024-05-08 Views 255

The Division of the Understanding Korea Project of the Center for International Affairs at the Academy of Korean Studies held the 'Textbook Seminar for Educators of El Salvador' from April 14 to April 20, 2024. The program brought together textbook experts from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of El Salvador.


The textbook seminar gave the Korean presenters, including researchers from the Division of the Understanding Korea Project, and the El Salvadoran textbook experts a time to discuss the curriculum and textbook systems of both countries, the visitors’ interests in Korea, the current status of Korea-related content in El Salvadoran textbooks, and what could be introduced in El Salvadoran textbooks. The El Salvador experts also had an opportunity to broaden their perspectives on Korean education and Korean history and culture through lectures on 'Assessment of Korean Academic Achievement' and 'Korean History in Cultural Heritage'.


The El Salvador educators also visited Dongtan Jungang High School to get a first-hand look at Korean school facilities and classes. They had the opportunity to interact with Korean students in the classroom and was given a time to meet with the principal, vice principal, and teachers, as well as time to look over Korean textbooks.


Afterwards, they visited the historical sites of Gyeongju, where they toured Cheonmachong Tomb, Bulguksa Temple and Seokguram Grotto. The visit helped them understand the Buddhist culture and architecture of the Silla period. In Seoul, they had first-hand experiences of the traditional and modern Seoul, Korean culture and heritage by visiting Gyeongbokgung Palace, the National Palace Museum of Korea, Bukchon Hanok Village, the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, Insadong, and the National Museum of Korea.


The El Salvador educators said they became more interested in Korean education, history, and culture, and the two sides agreed to continue their efforts to promote mutual understanding between the two countries through textbooks and materials for understanding Korea.