Title 2023 Visit to Tajikistan for Textbook Improvement
Date 2023-12-28 Views 876

The Division of Understanding Korea Project of the Center for International Affairs at the Academy of Korean Studies visited Dushanbe, Tajikistan, from November 21-27, 2023. The visit was aimed to engage in activities to improve Tajikistan textbooks and hold textbook seminars and presentations. The delegation, led by Lim Chi-kyun, Vice President of the AKS, and consisted of Cho Won-hee, Director of the Understanding Korea Project; Chang Ki-hong, a researcher at the Division of Understanding Korea Project; Yoon Hye-kyung, Professor of Science Education at Chuncheon National University of Education.

“The AKS-Tajikistan Textbook Seminar" was held on the first day of the program in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. It was attended by more than 100 people, including Korean embassy officials led by Ambassador Kwon Dong-seok, officials of the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan, the head of the Korean Association of Tajikistan, local KOICA staff, textbook authors from the Tajik Academy of Education and Science, publishers, and members of the Textbook Compilation Committee.

In his congratulatory remarks, Lim Chi-kyun, Vice President of the AKS, introduced the academy’s founding philosophy, the objectives and achievements of the Understanding Korea Project, and he hoped for constructive discussions on education and textbook development in both countries. Cho Won-hee, Director of the Understanding Korea Project, introduced the project, and researcher Chang Ki-hong and Isozoda Komilsho, director of the 'Maorif' Publishing Center under the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan, made a presentation on the education system and textbook system of the two countries.

In the second part of the seminar, Professor Yoon Hye-kyung of Chuncheon National University of Education presented "Status and Prospects of Teaching and Learning Materials Development in Korea"; Rahmonzoda Fariddun of the Textbook Publishing and Development Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan presented "Status of Korean-related Contents in Tajikstan Textbooks"; and Tursunov Gholib, Senior Researcher at the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences of the International University of Foreign Languages presented "Teaching about Korea in Tajikistan." Researcher Chang Ki-hong presented "How to Improve Korea-related Contents According to Changes in the Education Environment.” In her presentation on the development of teaching and learning materials in Korea, Professor Yoon Hye-kyung provided textbooks and learning materials used in Korea, which drew high attention from the officials of the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan.

The delegation visited Tajik National University and the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan, where they expressed their willingness to provide support for the opening of Korean studies at the university. They discussed ways to expand the base for Korean studies at Tajik National University. The head of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan noted that interest in the Korean language and Korean studies is growing rapidly in Tajikistan. The delegation said that the AKS will do its utmost to promote Korean studies at the Tajik National University.

During a meeting with Gulnazarzoda Jilo, President of the Tajikistan International University of Foreign Languages, the delegation introduced the AKS’s Understanding Korea Project and international support programs for Korean studies, and requested cooperation in establishing a network of the university scholars to write textbooks.

After the meeting, a welcoming event was held with the participation of the president of the International University of Foreign Languages and other officials, and about 300 students, including Korean majors. Lim Chi-kyun, Vice President of the AKS, gave a lecture on "Hangeul: Communication and Caring." 

The delegation also visited the Korean Pavilion at the National Library of Tajikistan, met with the head of the Korean Association of Tajikistan to listen to the difficulties of Koreans living in Tajikistan, and agreed to seek ways for the AKS to help Koreans in Tajikistan.

At the closing ceremony on the last day of the program, the delegation expressed its willingness to provide information to the Tajik side to encourage its participation in future activities to improve textbooks in Tajikistan and promote Korean studies overseas, thus laying the foundation for the improvement and expansion of textbooks in Tajikistan, as well as attracting graduate students to study Korean studies and expanding the base of Korean studies.