Title 2023 Textbook Seminar for Educators of Morocco
Date 2023-11-13 Views 708

The Division of Understanding Korea Project of the Center for International Affairs at the Academy of Korean Studies held the “Textbook Seminar for Educators of Morocco” October 24-30, 2023. Four Moroccan experts, including textbook officials from the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports, authors of history and geography textbooks and school inspectors, participated in the seminar.

During the seminar and lectures on October 25 and 26, the Korean and Moroccan participants introduced the Korean and Moroccan education and textbook systems to each other, examined the trends in the description on Korea-related contents in Moroccan history, geography, and economics textbooks, and discussed ways to expand Korea-related contents in Moroccan textbooks. Lectures on Korea’s economy, history, culture, and foreign relations helped them understand Kore’s multifaceted aspects. 

During the following four days, the participants visited Suwon, Busan, Gyeongju, and Seoul, where they gathered various information about Korea and experienced Korean culture under the wonderful autumn weather. In Suwon and Gyeongju, they visited Suwon Hwaseong Fortress, Bulguksa Temple, and Seokguram Grotto, which were designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. They appreciated the value of Korean cultural heritage and their various historical backgrounds. Busan attracted the most interest from the participants, who had an opportunity to get a glimpse of the city’s global, economic value as a candidate for the 2030 World Expo in a visit to the Busan Port Promotion Center. They also visited the UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea to pay their respects to the Moroccan soldiers who fought in the Korean War, hoping that the two countries will continue to share the historical memories of the Moroccan veterans. On the last day of the program, the Moroccan visitors toured Jogyesa Temple, Gyeongbokgung Palace, Gwanghwamun, and Insadong, where they had an opportunity to experience the unique atmosphere of Seoul, where tradition and modernity coexist. They also experienced Korean culture by making kimchi.

The seminar helped the participants learn more about Korean and Moroccan education and textbooks, and they discussed ways to expand Korea-related contents in Moroccan textbooks. Based on the common interests of 'education' and 'Korea' formed through the seminar, the AKS and the Moroccan education authorities will continue to maintain active exchange and cooperation.