Title Call for applications, 2023 Jangseogak Hanmun Workshop
Date 2023-11-01 Views 1496

As global interest in South Korea continues to grow, the field of Korean studies is also gradually expanding. There is a growing need for fundamental education in Korean studies, with the most important aspect being a comprehensive understanding of the Korean language.


One of the major components that make up the Korean language is ‘HanJa’. Therefore, the study of ‘HanJa’ can serve as a foundation for acquiring a wide range of vocabulary and is an essential educational area for achieving proficiency in advanced Korean.


The issue lies in the limitation of conducting research solely using standardized ‘HanJa’ characters when expanding the scope of research into pre-modern Korean studies. A significant portion of primary sources from the pre-modern era is written in a cursive script known as ‘Cho-Seo,’ making it challenging to read the characters, and researchers often find themselves in situations where they have to abandon their research due to their inability to decipher the text.


Therefore, the Jangseogak Archives at the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) is pleased to offer special classes for the general public interested in Korean studies, as well as for learners who need to study Hanja. Through these classes, we aim to provide a platform to help participants gain a better understanding of the history and culture of East Asia.


The ‘Cheon-Ja-Mun’(Thousand Character Classic) was traditionally used by children and novice learners when they began to read. Comprising 1,000 individual characters, each with different pronunciations and meanings, the Thousand Character Classic serves as a suitable learning resource for acquiring various characters and understanding the principles of character composition. Additionally, it contains content that allows readers to grasp shared humanities, philosophical insights, and societal aspects from East Asia.


Jangseogak Archives is a specialized library responsible for the management of over 120,000 royal documents from the Jo-seon Dynasty and for collecting and preserving private historical documents from across the nation. We hope that this class serve as an opportunity for you to explore the wealth of resources at Jangseogak. We welcome the participation and support your study.



■ Lecture Contents : Total 10 lectures

    Learning cursive handwriting – Choseo Cheonjamun (5) ~ (14) ▶Young-Hwan Sim, Ph.D., the Academy of Korean Studies


 □ Please refer to the following videos for the previous practice sessions (1) ~ (4) on the Choseo Cheonjamun.

  ◦ The 12th Annual Historical Document School in 2020.

    - Choseo Cheonjamun.(1) → https://youtu.be/gFTe6bePrnI
    - Choseo Cheonjamun.(2) → https://youtu.be/BSVGRGfHJLo

  ◦ The 13th Annual Historical Document School in 2021.
    - Choseo Cheonjamun.(3) → https://youtu.be/isSjUv2YLKk

  ◦ The 14th Annual Historical Document School in 2021.
    - Choseo Cheonjamun.(4) (Coming soon)


■ Registration

  ◦ Application period: November 1st – December 4th, 2023 (Korean time)

  ◦ Submission Method: Please fill out the application form completely and attach it in an email to: hanmun@aks.ac.kr

    ※ Please fill in your full name, nationality, current occupation, affiliation, e-mail address, etc. on the application form.

         Applicants will be informed of their results via e-mail.

  ◦ Tuition fee: free

  ◦ Lecture Method: We will send the recorded video lecture address(URL) through the e-mail address used at the time of course

      registration ▶ You can freely take the courses through the video within the course period.

  ◦ Course period: from December 5th to December 22nd, 2023 (Korean time)

  ◦ Lecture Material: Due to copyright issues, distribution is not allowed. In case you need the text book, please purchase it.

      We recommend practicing by watching the lecture videos repeatedly and trying to write on your own without the textbook.

      We also provide a PDF file for writing practice for students.


     Title: 中國法書選(27)

     Publisher: 二玄社

     Publication Date: June 10, 1988

     Pages, Weight, Size: 55 pages | 192*296mm

     ISBN13: 9784544005271

     ISBN10: 4544005272


※ All lectures are recorded in Korean with English subtitles.


■ Contact Information

  ◦ In case you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  ◦ Email: hanmun@aks.ac.kr


※ The 2023 Jangseogak Hanmun Workshop could be subject to changes, or modifications.