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The Review of Korean Studies 목록: Num, Vol-Issue, Title, Author(s), Date, PDF로 구성
Num Vol-Issue Title Author(s) Date PDF
769 27-2 [Special Feature] Korean Cultural Heritage Outside Korea: How They are Perceived and How They are Treated LEE Kang Hahn 2024-12 파일
768 27-2 From Colonial Dilettantism to the Korean Wave: The Formation and Ever-changing Roles of Korean Art Collections in the United States KIM Soojin 2024-12 파일
767 27-2 The Multivalence of Collected Korean Objects in the Netherlands: National Collections, International Networks, and Second-hand Collection Practices Elmer VELDKAMP 2024-12 파일
766 27-2 A Museological Exploration of One Hundred Boys at Play beyond Korea Ji Young PARK 2024-12 파일
765 27-2 [Articles] Personal Trajectories and National History: Why the Goryeo People Went to the Mongol Empire and How They Lived There LEE Myungmi 2024-12 파일
764 27-2 Korean Studies in Transition: Focusing on the Missionary Children at the University of California, Berkeley LEE Yeong-Mi 2024-12 파일
763 27-2 Evolution of the Saemaeul undong as an Open System Organization Stanislav RIEZNIK and Hwan-beom LEE 2024-12 파일
762 27-2 Aesthetic of Queer Failure in 2010s’ Korean Literature CHOE Hyonhui 2024-12 파일
761 27-2 [Special Review] Korean Language Education Overseas LEE Kang Hahn 2024-12 파일
760 27-2 Research Trends of Korean Language Education Overseas in Korea LEE Jungran 2024-12 파일