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● 2024 Textbook Seminar for Educators of Canada
● The 189th Colloquium on Korean Studies Abroad
● The 102nd Societas Koreana Meeting

2024 Textbook Seminar for Educators of Canada

2024 Textbook Seminar for Educators of Canada
The Division of Understanding Korea Project of the Center for International Affairs at the Academy of Korean Studies held the Textbook Seminar for Educators of Canada from November 10 to 16, 2024. The program aimed to provide an opportunity to enhance Canadian educators’ understanding of Korea, assess Canada's curriculum and textbook system as well as teaching and learning materials, and share the status of Korean-related content in Canadian textbooks and discuss ways to create and expanded content.
2024 Textbook Seminar for Educators of Canada
The two-day event consisted of a textbook seminar and lectures. Canadian educators presented on the topics of ' The Evolution of Textbooks in Ontario’s Educational System, Korea in Ontario History and Social Science Course, Canada, Korea, Curriculum and Classroom Resources, Digital Resources in History and Social Sciences.' The Korean side introduced 'Trends in Korean History Education and Bringing Korea into the Canadian Classroom' and discussed concrete cooperation ways to introduce various topics on Korea in Canadian textbooks and educational materials.

Lectures on 'The Genealogy and Characteristics of the History of Korean Democracy' and ' Change in the Order of East Asia and Korea' provided an opportunity for the participants to gain a deeper understanding of Korean history and culture. They experienced Korea's past and present through visits to the UNESCO-listed Hwaseong Fortress in Suwon, Changdeokgung Palace, and major sites of Seoul, as well as the War Memorial and the National Museum of Korea. Visits to Imjingak, Dorasan Observatory, and the 3rd Tunnel gave them time to understand the history of the division between North and South Korea and form consensus for peace on the Korean Peninsula.
2024 Textbook Seminar for Educators of Canada
Participants used the seminar to learn about the curriculum and textbook system of each province in Canada, trends in the publishing market, and the development of teaching and learning materials and digital programs. They also exchanged views about ways to expand Korean-related classes in the Canadian education fields. By strengthening human network with the participants, the seminar laid the foundation for mutual cooperation to improve, expand, and create Korean-related content in textbooks and educational materials.
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The 189th Colloquium on Korean Studies Abroad

The 189th Colloquium on Korean Studies Abroad
The Division of International Support for Korean Studies at the Center for International Affairs of the Academy of Korean Studies held the 189th Colloquium on Korean Studies Abroad on November 8, 2024 at the Munhyeonggwan Grand Conference Room. Professor Jonathan Glade of the University of Melbourne, a recipient of the 2024 AKS Fellowship, presented the findings of his research done in Korea.

The theme of Professor Glade’s presentation was “Korean Food: Delineating the Contours of a National Cuisine.” The research, related to the global spread of Korean food, focused on the popularity and influence of K-food. It particularly explored how understanding of Korean food and its symbolic significance as a national dish has changed over time. Professor Glade also spoke about the perception and conflict regarding Korean food in and outside of Korea.

The colloquiums drew many researchers and graduate students, who shared their opinions. The Division of International Support for Korean Studies will continue to organize events to promote communication among local and foreign researchers.
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The 102nd Societas Koreana Meeting

The 102nd Societas Koreana Meeting
The Division of International Support for Korean Studies at the Center for International Affairs of the Academy of Korean Studies held the 102nd Societas Koreana Meeting on November 13, 2024 at The Plaza Seoul. Prof. Lee Chung-yeol of Korea University gave a lecture on “What Does the Development Experience of Korea Mean to the Developing Countries?” He spoke on the background and process of Korea's economic development.

Prof. Lee’s lecture analyzed the dynamics and strategies of the Korean economy, which has achieved high growth in a short period of time. He concluded his lecture by explaining the implications of Korea's economic growth model. Participating ambassadors and foreign researchers in Korea said that they gained a lot of insights into Korea's economic growth process and the Korean people behind it. The lecture was followed by a lively Q&A session, which demonstrated the participants’ high level of interest.

The lecture will be posted on the Societas Koreana's YouTube channel.

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