일시 - 2024.6.5 (수) 3:30pm-6:00pm
장소 - 문형관 대회의실 (B107호)
Edward Chang (Professor of Ethnic Studies at University of California Riverside)
Founding Director of the Yong Oak Kim Center for Korean American Studies
Dosan's Republic: Pachappa Camp and Ahn Chang Ho
On March 23, 2017, an official ceremony was held to install a sign marking the site of Pachappa Camp a “Cultural Point of Interest” by the City of Riverside. Why, how, and what is the meaning of the Pachappa Camp designation and Dosan Ahn Chang Ho’s statue in Riverside, California? In the following text, I explore these questions: 1) Why and how did Dosan establish Pachappa Camp in Riverside, California? 2) What was the historical importance and the significance of Pachappa Camp in the Korean American independence movement? 3) Why is it important to understand the role of Pachappa Camp in Korean American history? 4) What is the significance of erecting Dosan’s Statue in Riverside, California and how can I utilize it for education of second-generation Korean Americans and young people?